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Montana Little League District 2

Clawson Award

Dale Clawson
Spirit of Little League
Volunteer Award

The tradition and spirit of volunteerism has long been the foundation of which the success and growth of the Little League program in Montana District 2 has relied upon. Of the many volunteers, no one better exemplified the spirit and principles of Little League more than Dale Clawson. Dale was a true pioneer in Montana District 2 Little League. Since 1950, he was essential in not only helping to build the Little League programs in Missoula, but he was a leader, role model, and friend to the entire District 2 Little League Family. His dedication and commitment to helping our youth grow to be productive citizens is the example that all those involved in youth sports should aspire to. Following his passing in 2006, the Presidents and Officers of Montana District 2 saw it only fitting that each year, we recognize those people that give of themselves on behalf of our young athletes in the same spirit as Dale did, thus they created the "Dale Clawson Spirit of Little League Award".

The "Dale Clawson Spirit of Little League Award" is awarded to a deserving individual every fall at the annual District Conference. The recipient is selected by the officials in the host city and honored for his or her work at the District Banquet. The honoree is awarded an individual plaque as well as having his or her name enshrined upon the perpetual plaque that hangs proudly at Mount Sentinel Little League's Dale Clawson Complex in Missoula. We are honored and blessed to have the opportunity to recognize and benefit from the work of Dale and these fine individuals:

Ned Ellingwood, Butte

Bob Weigum, Sr., Great Falls

Hal Karl, Missoula

Joan O'Neill, Butte

Kent Seaton, Great Falls

Daurine Spritzer, Missoula

Mike Parent, Butte

Zeke Zaremski & Chuck Whitmore, Great Falls

Al Johnson & Renny Malach, Missoula

Bob & Dee Scalabrin, Butte

Deidre Martinko, Great Falls

Duane, Meiers, Missoula

Joe & Pat Lee, Butte

Jennifer Hartum, Great Falls

Andy Bartlome, Dillon

Kevin Miltko, Missoula

Renny Malach, Kevin Miltko, Keith Miller

Kevin Miltko
- 2024-

Montana Little League District 2 is proud to announce that it's 2024 Dale Clawson Spirit of Little League Volunteer Award goes to Kevin Miltko.  Kevin is the current outgoing President of Garden City Softball Little League.  Kevin was one of the original trio who took the leap of faith and made the decision to charter a Girls Little League Softball program in western Montana back in 2011. The inaugural season proved this was a very feasible program with having 227 players between the ages of 4 and 16 in 2012.

Over the past years, Kevin has worked tirelessly in assuring that the league continues to be as progressive as possible in making whatever changes are necessary to continue providing a high-quality softball Little League program in Missoula. He works on fields, assures that communication between Garden City and Missoula Parks and Rec is handled correctly and efficiently. He has done just about every job needed to operate the league – helped with equipment and uniform distribution, coached when necessary, and umpired in all divisions throughout the season as necessary for the good of the program!

He has also been committed to assuring that the Senior Girls Western Regional Tournament runs as smoothly as possible. Kevin puts in countless hours to make sure that all of the fields that are used are in prime playing condition, and that people are in place to make certain of a smooth transition between games throughout the tournament. He secures the necessary supplies and equipment to accommodate the large number of participants and fans who will be at the fields during the games.

Probably the highlight of Kevin’s tenure has been his commitment to creating the Challenger Division for children with mental/physical challenges. He has almost single-handedly put together this program that has grown from a small group of youngsters into one that has two separate divisions (players are divided according to age/ability) with 48 players (plus “buddies”) in 2024! Working with the Missoula Paddleheads Baseball organization, the Challenger players utilize their facility for their weekly games, and culminate their season with a game with Paddlehead players prior to one of the actual scheduled pro games. This division is absolutely free to the participants – the only thing the players need is a “buddy” to assist them during the games.

Kevin also spent many years working with the Mount Sentinel Little League – as a coach, umpire, and board member while his daughters were part of that program. All in all, he has dedicated a large portion of his life to the Little League program – something that he should be honored for.  Thank you, Kevin, for your unwavering support to Montana Little League District 2!


Montana Little League District 2

Keith Miller, 1925 S. Jackson Street
Butte, Montana 59701

Phone: 406-498-2640
Email: [email protected]

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